Gravitation 2 Gravity: A Pulling & Pushing Force!!! This is a unique and ingenious formation, and is so sophisticated as only nature can create. Only nature can perform gravity such a fantastic phenomenon that can act as both a pulling and a pushing force, simultaneously, like Schrödinger's cats. Solely Energetic matter by its unidirectional moving, and with its peculiar revolving and rotational motion, creates wave formation. This wave formation is formed by two energetic semi-loops, of which, the one has pushing properties, and the other has magnetic (gravitational) pulling properties. These semi-loops act simultaneously[1] as gravity force.
Energetic matter in path appears as a superposition due its change of direction in space. Since the energetic matter has a revolving and a rotational movement, it closes on itself by creation of two perpendicular semi-loops. One gravity waves superposition radiates outwards (electric semi-loop) and the second superposition (magnetic-gravitational) radiates inwards. Together they form a wave formation-quant. At each point of change of direction in space a vortex is formed: one energetic (electric) and one magnetic-gravitational. In the electric semi-loop a Kerr type swirl if formed, and in the gravitational semi-loop a Schwarzschild type swirl is formed.
The following figure is a sketch of a virtual wave formation (gravity force).
The Electro-magnetic fields, which are known to us, are similar to Galaxy formation
The Electromagnetic fields, which are known to us, are similar to Galaxy formation.
An even greater revolution insofar as our knowledge on the gravity wave is concerned was provided by the following picture, also courtesy of the Hubble Telescope. This picture, which in my estimation is the photo of the century, documents exactly what a gravity wave looks like.
Explanation of gravity waves Description of the Gravitational Wave
These two forces, energetic and gravitational, act together. These gravity waves contain different wave lengths inside, and each gravity force wave reacts to similar wave lengths.
The picture above shows that condensed gravity wave are limited but lack clear borders. Based on the information stated above, I have drawn up the following equation:
Accordingly, the more condensed the matter is in a particular amount of space, the greater the force of gravity; in other words, the more energy in a given area, the stronger the force of gravity. Therefore, the gravity on Earth is greater than the Sun's because the energy of the Earth's gravitational loop is more condensed than the Sun's, where the energy is dispersed over a much larger area. In the gravitational wave (quant) there are different areas of gravitation. For example, in our solar system (quant) there are different planets with different gravities. Due to its living and mercurial appearance, a gravitational wave (gravity force) has endless forms. None of which resemble the other exactly. These various forms of gravity waves will be illustrated in the article of Gravity wave formation. Summary Only wave theory with her two semi-loops can explain this phenomenon called gravity, and the pictures from space are proof of this theory. Einstein didn't have enough evidence to explain gravity force, however his intuition, and the equation E=mc2 leads to wave theory. I wish to thank those of you which have given me the support to continue my work, via your letters and important comments.
Copyright © Dr. Chaim Tejman, 2005
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